A famous marketing guru once said, “I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. I just don’t know which half.” Had he used direct response TV (DRTV), he wouldn’t have to guess. And if he used SMW to produce his DRTV spots, he wouldn’t waste a thing.
More and more traditional TV advertisers like Procter & Gamble are turning to DRTV because it’s really the ONLY way to advertise to a mass audience and KNOW you’re not wasting money. And SMW is ONE place to go if you want the highest scoring, best-performing DRTV commercials.
SMW specializes in taking blue chip advertisers into DRTV. By incorporating traditional market research techniques in the creative development process, our final TV productions result in a 2.5X better hit rate than the competition.
SMW commercials consistently rank in the Jordan-Whitney top 10, set all-time Ipsos-ASI records for communication and persuasion, and have generated the best all time CPO and CPL records in every category we serve. In fact, SMW holds the all-time Ipsos-ASI record for the most persuasive :60 advertising ever produced for the Procter & Gamble Company—no easy feat when you consider the fact that there are over 40,000 commercials in the P&G database! Take a look at what a REAL commercial test, and winning results look like.
Partner up with SMW and you can expect your commercial to be the highest scoring, best performing commercial that can be done!